Forerunner: one snapshot is an awesome upload. It is ok with awesome upload, they do not follow the restriction. And you can use them to post a third shot ;)
Copy: "It isn't a great snapshot IMO but is also not breaking any rules. The user used an "awesome upload" so it doesnt have to "earn" its place like the ones going through NS. Dont think deletion votes are justified, even if you think the shot isnt great. "
And btw, I still havent seen this movie (own it on blu but haven't ot round to watching it yet) - thanks for the 2 solves :) I got the mike myers one already, and 2 free solves when you told me they were the same film
haha you did well so far mate :) Remember its only a game.
I sort of agree with you on this one but it's not technically breaking any rules, and people can use their awesome uploads how they want. I think naut or tliff need to make a judgement call, but at face value its not an illegal shot.
"And btw, I still havent seen this movie - thanks for the 2 solves :) I got the mike myers one already, and 2 free solves when you told me they were the same film"
I really don't agree with the votes for deletion. I didn't like the 2nd shot at all (like most shots with names of actors etc) and i dont like that 3 snapshots of the same movie are uploaded in a row. But it is not breaking any rule, so any vote for deletion would be invalid imo. A vote for deletion should only be done when a snapshot is breaking a rule, a shot should never be deleted just because 5 people dont like it.
I do think we maybe need a new rule to prevent this for the future.
I agree with toffetomas. Although i think the stills in this case the shots aren't good/bordering on breaking the rules, i don't think that we should sort this out by just randomly deleting the shots. As Chrisy said above, you can use awesome uploads for third (or 12th) shots of a movie. If the community doesn't agree with this, then it should be clarified in the rules/FAQ, to sort this problem out in the future. Not by players in the forum.
no rules changes made, none needed. I know naut is reluctant to enforce more rules (understandably). The 5 golden rules cover everything needed.
And wrt awesome uploads, I would say that if it's your own fault the image got deleted (like bad quality, black bars etc, dupe in archive, break of rules etc. etc.) then you would lose the awesome upload.
If it wasnt your fault, like a dupe of an image in FF still (and wouldn't show up when you upload) then a case could be made to get your awesome upload back, but it would be a manual process. You would have to notify a moderator to beg with the admins :)