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  1.  permalink
    I know it's not just me who's annoyed at the current influx of dozens of three-line "film reviews" just so that people can get a helmet memorabilium (Singular of memorabilia :D), so maybe it's a good idea to assign someone who just mods the reviews? Maybe even make them all require moderator acceptation before they get posted?
    • CommentAuthorrevani
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2010
    i agree with you, very very annoying and it takes a lot of time finding good reviews.
    how nice of you to volunteer for the job birdie ;)
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2010
    Or maybe making it so that there is a minimum words allowed before posting a review. I believe that's also what IMDB does, or am I wrong?
    • CommentTimeJan 16th 2010
    Chrisy's idea is a good one I think.

    To everyone else I would say if you think there is someone who is adding one-line (or thereabouts) reviews, let me, Chrisy or Deviant know on our profiles, and we will look into it.
    • CommentAuthorrevani
    • CommentTimeJan 17th 2010 edited

    - has written about four 3/4 line reviews.
  2.  permalink
    The word count thing is actually a pretty good idea, I hadn't even thought of that. Just goes to show there's often a simple solution for every problem, even if you come up with more complicated ones :p
    • CommentTimeJan 18th 2010
    no need for personal moderation here.
    We'll integrate a minimum character count of 500 which will eliminate all those 3 liners.
  3.  permalink
    A wordcount doesn't prevent people from writing nonsense. 200 words of nothing can also be expanded to 500. I think it's a good idea that reviews should be either approved beforehand, or removed, if they're inadequate.

    I also think reviews on here need some advertising. They're found in the oblivion of the bottom page where hardly anyone scrolls down to. Also a review of the month (Top 3 maybe) would be nice. I'm sure people would put in a bit more effort then.
    I quite enjoy writing reviews once in a while but it's a bit dishearting when only 5 people read them.
  4.  permalink
    On a similar note as the above post, why don't you take a second and read some of my reviews? :D