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  1.  permalink
    I hope I'm not sounding like a condescending prick here, but please pay attention to spoilers when you're tagging snapshots. If you want to show everyone you know what specific model a car or a gun is, please make it a shout with a spoiler alert, so you're not just making it easy to google. Similarly, if you see a scene that takes place somewhere without being clear where, but you know from having seen the film it's an elevator or a power plant, don't tag it as that.

    Basically, what I'm trying to say is, if you see a shot with a police car, don't tag it "Audi RS7", but tag it "police car". If you see Yoda fighting Spawn in the locker room of a public swimming pool, don't tag it "swimming pool" but tag it "locker room". After all, the main reason for tags is helping you find a specific shot, not helping you find the solution to a specific shot.

    Or am I just overreacting here?
  2.  permalink
    No,I think you are right with that
  3.  permalink
    On a side note, I would watch a film where Yoda fights Spawn in the locker room of a public swimming pool.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2010
    And on a related note: When a shot is not from the film Spider-man, the tag "not spiderman" is valid and should not be removed.
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2010
    ???? depends whether you spoil the fact that the movie appears to be a spiderman movie, but isnt.... And why would you want to use that tag for finding back the shot?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2010
    Ofcourse only add it to relevant shots.
    Who is adding "surreal" to almost every shot, lately? Even when shots are definitely real, they must be, otherwise they could never be filmed!
  4.  permalink
    I know right ! I hate the guy who's taging "surreal" on half the shots !!
    • CommentTimeFeb 10th 2010
    Yeah that has been pissing me off too, I don't get when a shot from Star Wars is tagged Surreal :P(I don't think that it spoils too much).. And my latest shot has been tagged surreal and no, it's not surreal:
    • CommentTimeFeb 11th 2010
    i know, that kind of irritates me too. it seems that every shot is surreal nowadays.
    I do agree with OhLookBirdies btw
    • CommentTimeFeb 12th 2010
    @Asmodai Well, CGI can definitely give you a surreal effect, so shots can sometimes be "fake".
    But you're right, it is getting irritating. At first I thought it was just a joke... but now it really isn't funny anymore, just plain annoying IMO. :P
  5.  permalink
    Good to see people agree. :)
  6.  permalink
    I hate "not spiderman" tag added to shots like this one I was personally angry, when I noticed, that this shot was tagged like this. It has nothing to do with Spidey, so why tag it like this? :/ Well, nevermind.

    But I agree with OhLookBirdies on spoiler-tagged shots. They kill all the fun.
  7.  permalink
    Another thing, actually, if you add a tag, could you please try to watch your spelling? I doubt a lot of people will search for a "senset" tag, or a "haedphones" one. Now I appreciate a lot of people are foreign, and English is not their first language, but is the couple of seconds it would take you to check if you've spelled something right really that much trouble?
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 14th 2010
    Srory, HoLkooBrideis, it willn't hapen agian.
  8.  permalink
    There is also a problem with tags added not in english...
    • CommentAuthorVinceNet
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010
    Are we supposed to correct a tag when it's not right (either spelling or movie situation) ?
    I corrected some but then I thought maybe it was intentional and then the person wouldn't find it ?!
    • CommentTimeFeb 15th 2010 edited
    If you are worried someone wont be able to find it, just add the correct spelling/situation as a seperate tag, and leave the original. If the tag is a spoiler or something, just delete it.
  9.  permalink
    Been deleting more spoiler tags than ever lately. I think people are doing it to piss me off. :(

    (I don't really think that.)
  10.  permalink
    The "surreal killer" (pun intended) is striking again !
  11.  permalink
    "Sir Real" would be an awesome name for a rapper.
  12.  permalink
    Aren't the 'not spider-man' tags just added to shots that are obviously another super hero film? Just like how a shot with Spidey in full frame was tagged 'not batman' and 'not superman'

    I think it's hilarious, to be honest.
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    FINALLY! Someone gets it :P
    • CommentTimeFeb 22nd 2010
    I like them too :D
  13.  permalink
    Asmodai: I have to plea guilty, too...I've added a couple of 'not spider-man' tags myself.
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2010
    Not to complain but I thought the tags were made to help people to "find shoots". If that's the case I don't really see the point in tags like "Arrg", Wow", "Jeez", "haha" etc. They look more like "comments" than "Tags", Is it ok to delete thoose if I stumple upon them?
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2010
    heh. Well I guess it could be argued that they would help that one person find out which shot they tagged with "arg" :)

    If you take issue with them being there for some reason, you can delete them if you want. I don't personally think they are doing any harm so wouldn't delete them myself.
    • CommentTimeFeb 27th 2010
    No, it's not a problem, but I don't really see the point of them being there. If i'm trying to find a shoot that I saw last week, of a sunset, the word I would search for is probably "sunset" or "sun". Definitly not "Wow" ;-)

    But as I said, not a big problem. I'll let them be for now :-)
    • CommentTimeMar 5th 2010
    Please check if a tag is spelled right, a tag on one of my pictures was tagged "old buildins" and I think it should have been "old buildings".
    • CommentTimeMar 27th 2010
    I just noticed that words of the title are not allowed as tags. It may be a good thing most of the time, but sometimes it gives you a big hint when you try to enter an obvious tag. For example a shot of a ring from LOTR 1. As "ring" is not allowed you can guess the movie. No idea what to do to avoid this problem.
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    I have to say sometimes I laugh a lot with some tags, the Not Spiderman, Not Batman, some about boobs etc, I think they are funny. People in wtm have a great imagination. Some tags help me a lot when I have to remind a shot but yeah we have to be careful to avoid spoilers. This topic is really important.
    • CommentAuthorPPKNHoneyB
    • CommentTimeMar 28th 2010
    I agree with ZomBeeBob.
    The tags were made to help us find a shot we're looking we'll just look for the basic things that are shown on the shot..not comments.
    And i don't agree with those "not this movie", "not that movie" tags too.Most of the times i think the person who uploaded it in the fisrt place,likes the fact that people might think it's is something that in fact it is not..and those tags just cut the whole fun.
  14.  permalink
    That's why the 'not xxxxx' tags are only added to movies where it is painfully obvious which one it is. You know, the shots where you have Spidey, Supes or whoever in full frame so that there's no mistaking it.
    Also, it's been a while since I saw these tags, so I think we've had the worst of it.
  15.  permalink
    Going to bump this, because once again, I'm removing heaps of spoiler shots. Please, if you want to show off your extensive knowledge of landmarks or films featured in a shot, do it in a spoilered shout.