Yeah Suporcherie, I think so. You would think that if this was true, Naut and Tliff would be smart enough not to make the announcement on a 1st of April with the risk of not been taken seriously Conclusion: It's a joke ha ha ha There will be some pay back for this ^^ Now I can have a nice day :)
One suggestion on paying for uploads: I wouldn't strike out 'uploading without donation'. Maybe a non-donator can upload just one shot. Or one shot in 3 days or in a week?
has anyone clicked on the NTdev Invest (Naut Tliff dev Invest I assume) link? For an impressive portfolio there is very little to find on the site... Google doesn't turn up ANYTHING.. I say, we were so april fooled!! But hey, NT - I'm very willing to contribute, after all, I've been freewheeling this site for 1,5 years now, so time to say thanx and donate the small amount of EUR 12.. If only to be able to upload one of my crappy shots and have it actually reach FF as an Awesome Upload ;)
I'm so relieved now, I was also very disappointed with this new decisions, but now I can go back to my uploading and solving. You really fooled us, guys!!!!
Are you kidding me? This site was a community thing. Something you share: a PASSION. You don't sell a community's passion.
Why didn't you explain the problem to us? We could have start a forum, SHARING ideas. We would have had a BRAINSTORMING. There are no problems, only solutions.
Hell! I could toss 50 euros per month to help you out. I could donate from time to time 1000 euros, 5000 if necessary. I'm a rich guy! Money is no problem to me. I'll buy you out! I'll give you confortable salaries.
And what is it with the censored thing in this forum? Are you out of your mind?
I'm in choc. I don't know if I'm going to play the game anymore. Because it was all about LOVE, PASSION, SHARING. I'm not into the VIP mood.
Man, am i glad that i came later for the discussion, would be a great shock for me (cause this is the only thing on internet that consumes most of mine time), still was but not so long lasting fortunately :) Great job guys, both prank and the wtm, thank you
emails will cost 0,01€ each, everyone is getting a new mobile phone number, the internet is shut down for 24h because the IPv4 adresses are completely assigned, i was used to these dramatic news by the time i turned on the radio ;)
I hope it's a joke, otherwise this is really pathetic and outrageous behaviour. I don't have a credit card, I don't need one, what am I suppose to get one to become supporter? Sorry, not worth especially when so many uploads get rejected.
I don't mind paying, but this really, really, really scared the living @#!% out of me! I'm a BIG, BIG, BIG prankster, a practical joker and I love to scare people. I knew it was April 1st, but that story was VERY convincing! Good job on that one! I wouldn't know what to do without some players' shots, for example Ilse's, Marina's, Hanske's and a lot more! A lot of players keep the spirit alive and now you see what happens when you limit WTM for some people! We were prepared to fight for WTM (sati, you were ferocious!)! In short, you scared the living DAYLIGHTS out of us, but this showed us how important WTM is for a lot of people, my heart wasn't the only one that sank!
Moderators and creators, keep up the good work and keep WTM alive! Now back to solving New Submissions. ; )
@Palahniuk007 Please buy my company and pay me a salary :-)))
@Naut and Tliff Aren't you proud of the site you made when you read all these messages of people in shock? Well done guys. And might tough times come: we have an extra server, you could stay in our garage and I think we'll all buy you some food.
Have a nice day all and watch out for these April Fools!
Ha ha, no match in Google for "NTdev Invest", and the link to their website is just a single page...Well played, but please avoid heart attacks attempts on next year...
anyway ... some bitter taste remains for me ... how can it ever be possible, to beat the capitalist pigs, if people just pay their money to the big companys because they cannot avoid it - and don't pay, if they do not have to (and still the money is needed to keep those nice projects alive) Just after I realized, that I spent several hours on WTM, having so much fun - I became a supporter - no question. after all - just going out in the evening to a disco or bar, easly cost as much (and I heard, even under 18 year olds do that sometimes ...) and WTM gave me loads and loads of fun ... almost every day!
lets hope, this was a wake-up-call for many members here to turn their rank-tags black and become a supporter - to help keep up this brilliant work done with this site!
i hate who had this idea. i was so worried! when i saw it i was sleepy, when i woke up i tought OMG this must be a nightmare. so i came back here and saw it was real. but now i got it... april 1st, you fooled me! haha
'Cause, like @sati, I don't have a credit card, I wouldn't be able to become a supporter. And I really like whatthemovie! It's the first thing I check every morning, even before my e-mail, but if this was true, I would eventually stop playing. You scared the hell out of me! I was having such a bad day and then, when I opened the site to relax for a while, I was so shocked I actually cried a little.
I didn't know that. I took a look at the paypal page and did the math to find out how much it would cost me in reais. Guees I'll consider becoming a supporter at least for a while, sometime.
I would still feel a lot better if it's a joke. I would still stop playing if it's not.
edit: When I tried to create an account on paypal, It kept asking my credit card number. Apparently, paying via bank transfer is only available in some countries.
Are you serious Asmodai? Because if this is an april fools prank you play your part very well :) but if it isn't you guys are being very sadistic. No one (moderators, Naut Tliff) has given us a "this isn't a prank" or an "haha april fools!"... do we have to wait till midnight? :p
Honestly, I did not think we’d have such a success with this thread. I cried tears when reading all of your responses!
On behalf of the team (especially m00ch and Asmodai, who got the idea to pull a prank in the first place), I’d like to apologize if we caused any serious trouble :D
Your response proofed once again that there is a very loyal fanbase at the core of WTM WTM cannot function without this core and I’m glad we have you aboard.
I bow to all of you! thanks so much for the continuing ride :)
PS: Okay, as of now we have 6 places to go should we ever run out of shelter. theoffice already outed himself, thanks! who are the others? :)
This was sooooo much fun :D I really had to laugh so hard, thanks to all who played along and didn't give away the joke ^^ But just out of curiousity, who else did know that this was just a joke and pretended while posting? I'm pretty sure kkumendes did and marinaraujo too.
@naut and tliff If you ever need a home, you can stay at my place too ;)