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    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    About the contest mirrors and reflections, I wanted to upload a snapshot that I already uploaded and that made it to FF. It's snapshot #60722.
    I didn't upload that shot for the contest but I was wondering if this was allowed ... to upload a snapshot that is already the archive for a contest ?
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    Nope, it's not allowed to post a shot that's in the archive or FF.
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    Ok then ^^
    But I noticed that some shots from the contest ended up in New Submissions as well. Or maybe it goes the other way : a shot in NS that fits for the contest goes in the contest ?
    I ask because I did upload a snapshot that would have fit for the contest and that I believe was in NS at a time when the contest was still open for submissions but wasn't put in (#79413)
    Any explanation about how all this works ?
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    I'm not sure if this gives any answer to your questions, but you have to know that there are two different kinds of contests.
    First there are upload contests, like the 'Mirrors and Reflections'-contest that's going on right now. With upload contests you get a week to make shots of the given theme and after that you can upload them directly into the contest, but you have to select 'Contest Upload' instead of 'Normal Upload' when uploading.
    Next to this you have the so-called sidequests, like 'An Eye for an Eye'. Those contest are hosted by an user that's selected by the moderation-team. This user chooses a theme and then searches for fitting shots in the Feature Films. After this the fitting shots are transferred from the FF to the contest by this user and then the contest starts. In those sidequests the theme is not revealed until the shots have been selected, so it's not possible to search for fitting shot and upload those.
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    I understand. But then why is there some shots from the Mirrors and Reflections contest in NS as well ?
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    Those are the "sloppy seconds", in a contest you can only upload one shot for one movie.. So if someone has one shot left because the slot was full, they just try to upload it in the NS. It would be a waste to not do anything with those shots.
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    BTW what you cán do is upload a shot that was rejected. would have been great now i think of it.
    • CommentTimeMay 5th 2010
    All right, thanks.