Is anyone else ever curious about their fellow WTM'ers' looks? I know a few have their own picture as their avatar, but most people don't, so personally I'd like seeing what you all look like. And so as not to be a hypocrite, I'll kick off:
@OhLookBirdies: I'm gonna say sorry first =P hope you don't mind. I thought you were a lot older, haha xD but in fact, you look surprisingly cute. Always pictured you like some middle age, serious guy who works in an office or something. Beautiful eyes you have.
This is me :3
Oh, and @holynoise: you remind me of those nordic lands metal players =P do you have viking ascendancy or something alike?
@lovelyT: upload the picture using a photo hoster like ImageShack, tinypic,... and upload it there (or on your own webspace if you have some). Then copy the location of your picture and simply insert it in the textfield and post the comment.
I don't do photos. But it appears my friends have a couple of me on facebook in various drunken states :x HOLD YOURSELVES BACK LADIES!
Don't hold it against me. I'm actually a kinda nice guy.
EDIT: Everyone in IRC Is now calling me a stereotypical English football thug now also - I don't watch football, and drink maybe 3 or 4 times a year :) I'm a gentle family man really :) This photo was from my birthday last year, one of the rare occasions I let my hair down. Well... if I had any hair.....
EDIT: bonus pic: my eyes aren't always crossed, it's just that I have this condition where I HAVE to pull a stupid face anytime there is a camera near.
Hey naut =) the top left haircut makes you look cooler. I think it fits quite fine to your face. And yay for the Futurama monsters, haha.
I was kinda hoping them00ch wouldn't post anything, I got used to seeing that Clockwork Orange avatar with the hat and I had it pretty deep in my mind that that was the real m00ch (with the hat and all). But it's not :o And I'm not comenting that finger in the bottom picture =P
Side note: feels like home now I know I'm surrounded by the metal scum guys. Now we just have to find some nerds =D
Really weird to see all the pictures, got really used to the avatars. Siren 34 I'm really jealous right now, and Naut, respect for the glasses! Got the same one :)
First of all great idea Sebas, very nice to see you nice to meet you all, and this is me (thought this one would be appropriate one, despite the weird face expression :) )
Ohhhhhh you are all so young!!!!!!!!!!! I could be your gran! Or your mum. Maybe.. I'm always taking the pictures so there's not much around of myself but I'll try to find something. It's a very nice thread, nice to know your faces. Good idea Birdies!
@tliff: I know, but I couldn't find another gun when I needed it ;)! Edit another shot of me: :D!.. I haven't got so long hair today, but then I have a beard instead ;)!
I need to say you look nothing like I imagine you would look like :) Here it comes, that's me. Now nobody will think that I look like corpse (or even a bride) :P
Well since we started to reveal ourselves, there is something more to be revealed. This is a picture of me and Keyser_Soze, as we are dating for many years. So you know now ;)