Now Silvia Brigida has doubts about the difference between PROMO STILLS and other movie stars photos. She's right. Let me show you a few example. It's amusing. It's like a before/after game:
A lot more exciting :D The doubt I have is about finding the PROMO STILLS I guess is the movies I am using, I'm just no sure if the photo I found is really promocional or if it's a scene of the movie in a different aspect ratio like this blue velvet I did. It is promo still, right?
Ok, first I didn't want to participate because I really don't have much time to edit an image nicely... So I made this in a hurry. Hope it's acceptable ;)
@theoffice, shit you stole my idea, i already started one with the joker too yesterday, but it was too late to finish it... :( Well yours looks probably better anyway. :)
I just found some other user with an avatar like (only better), so I had to change it. Besides this avatar is more fun :) Anyway, here's me doing my usual bullet stopping routine...
Do you guys know any good free photo editting software, so I could improve this?