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  1.  permalink
    Waiting for that !!
  2.  permalink
    This will be a small ceremony.
    Between friends.
  3.  permalink
    Last time I went to the ceremony with Megan Fox!! Tonight I'll have no date !!
  4.  permalink
    You may date Asmodai.
    He needs to cheer up!
  5.  permalink
    Palahniuk007, when you said tonight at 9:30pm, which timezone are you using for it?

    See ya! :]
  6.  permalink
    Let's say 8:00 PM french time.
    • CommentAuthorshantak
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    Acho que é lá pra 3 da tarde por aqui, né?
    • CommentAuthorRDPL55
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    Hi I know it's too late but I sent it by the way...
  7.  permalink
    Claro que sim! É por isso que contamos com você.
  8.  permalink
    Mon Dieu RDPL55: quel dommage que tu arrives si tard!
    • CommentAuthorRDPL55
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010 edited
    Heu... c'est vrai mais bon tant pis.. ça fera un peu rigoler... d'ailleur le film reste unsolve dans les NS... avis aux amateur...
    • CommentAuthorRDPL55
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    Sorry, in english !! Even if it's too late I hoppe you'll appreciate... The movie is still unsolved in the NS... go on !!
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010 edited
    8 PM in Paris is 4PM in Brasília, @shantak, ou como dizemos: 20 lá são 16 aqui.

    Thanks Palah.
  9.  permalink
  10.  permalink
    Fred Delgado wants to be there right on time ---


    Because Fred Delgado knows he might actually win something.
    Don't you believe me?

    Check one of his artwork:

    Isn't it a beauty?
    Isn't it a GREAT idea?
  11.  permalink
    And what about Shantak?
    Shantak doesn't want to miss the AWARDS.
    He even forgets to speak english!


    Because he knows he can also WIN!
    Look at one of his advertising effort:

    Isn't it a cool cat?
    Don't you wanna buy Whiskas?
  12.  permalink
    I reckon I fancy this one too:

    But Doooom already won the Rejected Snap Contest --- so I don't know yet.
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    I'm here:)
  13.  permalink
    Oh-oh-oh-oh! Can't wait!
  14.  permalink
    It's gonna be a small party.
    Nothing fancy.
  15.  permalink
    Still, can't wait! Will there be alcohol? At least some women, right? Let's not forget, it IS the PlayZone we are talking about here!
  16.  permalink
    There will be some women.
    But they're expensive.
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010 edited
    I hope there won't be % I'm still recovering from the party I went to last night :/
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    Expensive women is fancy, Pala :P:P:P
  17.  permalink
    You're right.
    But it's gonna be a quickie party.
  18.  permalink
    Just a last one because I was in FF:

  19.  permalink
    I launch this thing because it's 8:00 pm and I have a movie to catch in a few minutes!

  20.  permalink
    Is anybody out there?
    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    Ready when you are :D
  21.  permalink
    I'm all alone!!!!
  22.  permalink
    I have Tobsch!

    I'm gonna do it only for you man!
    • CommentAuthortobsch
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
  23.  permalink
    Fasten your seatbelt because it's gonna be fast!
  24.  permalink
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  26.  permalink
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    I'm here :-) Just had to finish my dinner.
  27.  permalink
    And we welcome ZomBeeBob!
  28.  permalink
    We are three!!!!!
  29.  permalink
  30.  permalink
  31.  permalink
    Here we go!
  32.  permalink
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  37.  permalink
    • CommentTimeSep 27th 2010
    I vote for ShrimpyPants:)
  38.  permalink
    It's difficult.

    I would say: Palahniuk.