Congrats to Freddelgado, a deserved win, he really made some nice ads. These contests are really so much fun. Very hard to choose an other winner, there's so many great ones. But my vote will go to fnick for his penis enlargement and many other funny ads.
Here, at the Palahniuk's Institute, we train creative people to become total winners. Some of you made it, some didn't.
For those who didn't make it: IT ISN'T FAIR!
Toffetomas, for instance, he's one of our best student along with Michael Angelo, Doooom or Fnick. And I don't mention the brazilian gang, the polish squad and our godfather Office911.
Check out the previous winners:
It's okay if one of you win a second time. But don't forget the others.
Like (randomly) Lord Myst:
Or OhLookBirdie:
Or Cesarmala:
Or Tobsch (who almost won the Autographed Contest):
Or ShrimpyPants who's gonna end up like his ad if he doesn't win!
Or anyone else like Aril or Kopainkopine who are active players in the zone!
You guys have to sort out if one of you can win two times in such a short notice! Of course the Toffetomas and the Doooom's ads are magnificent: I'm their teacher!!!!!
But I kinda like the idea of everybody-wins-a-Palahniuk-contest!