Me and 3 friends are currently just outside of Paris, kind of stranded because the trains are on strike and all hostels are booked out :D Does someone of you have a room or a couch, where we could crash onto for one night?
Here's my number: 0049 176 23556337
go WTM Paris, go! :) your help is greatly appreciated
PS: one of my friends is the incredible awesome miascugh who will design a special Memorabilia for your help!!!
I called this morning as soon as I had the news. There were stuck the hell I know where because with Naut accent it could have been a town from Pakistan.
I told him to book rooms on ACCOR site. He cried he might not make it to Paris. I told him he was in France (not in Pakistan). We have buses! Taxis! Women and Food.
We also have dogs.
He answered he'll check his internet connection. I told him to give some news and here I am.
And I should be there: in Palahniuk's Play-Zone.
Come to Palahniuk's Play-Zone! New Sidequest! The Ego Poster Contest is still going on… until July 3.
What are the updates on the situation ? I tried to call Naut but could only leave a message (which might not be very understandable, I think I lost all faculty for rational thinking when I heard the automated message talk to me in German... German tends to do this to me). I happen to be in Paris these days so I might help if someone's still stuck (and living under a bridge).
I can't really do anything if you're now lost as far as Pakistan though. Hope you're still somewhere between France and Germany...
thanks for your help guys and sorry for not reporting here earlier, we were mostly without internet throughout our odyssey.
After phoning like 20 hostels, we found a place to stay and the french train operators felt like working again > mobility! yay
pala: thanks for your call and your worriedness, but accor was simply too expensive. Remember: We can’t live off WTM yet ;)
and thanks for your spontaneous visit Zanapher, always a pleasure :)
Now that I’m done with my studies in Salzburg (the last months were really stressful), I’ll move back home over the summer and tliff and I will bring some improvements to the site. stay tuned.
PS: wow, I do really resemble Mr. Travolta in this photo. great work pala!