@Fireball I agree. Do we really have to take sides? Let them come to a decision together since it's between Palahniuk and Asmodai. They both overreacted, but they're just human and it's their right to do so. Pala (as much as I love him) can be "too much" to some, and I guess Asmodai only wanted to show him he can't just do anything he wants. Now I am not saying he did the right thing nor do I think it was bad. In any case he is a mod and we should just abide by the rules. Again Pala has always been very kind to people here (fooling around is just his idea of fun) and agreeing to making merchandise was an act of that. Asking for his help and then not having time to reply wasn't the nicest thing to do, but then we all have lives (or I hope so) outside of wtm and it is possible Asmo really didn't have time to email him back. Making rude comments about each other is only making things worse..
Can't we all just agree to disagree and keep playing this fantastic game? We're all here (like some pointed out in the previous comments) for the same reason. We love movies! Lets play nice for a change. Please?
Right, I will go and type a big reaction to all this topic now, so please hold any comments until I finish, so I won't miss them and people will get sad and feel that I ignored them ;)
It’s like in the movies. No conflicts = no drama = no movie. Every screenwriters know that.
Even the Fox and the Hound have conflicts !
Toffetomas !
I'm half jewish (“The better half !” guess what movie it is from).
Which means I have money and the most beautiful girls in my bed. No wonder the Nazis wanted to get rid of us (especially for the money and because everybody knows you can’t get a beautiful girl in your bed after a beerfest) !
You’re a genius.
How ? Why ?
Toffetomas is showing you what really means freedom of speach in the Internet World. Many important news site don’t have moderators anymore because they realized they were censoring.
Damn !
This is a movie site. You see movies telling sweet things like “Die ! Die ! Die !” or “Fucking jews”.
So what ? It is to tell us something else.
To make you think.
Twice, if possible.
Lars did it in Cannes and nobody got it.
Only Office911 got it !
Office ! I’m totally impressed by your clever insights.
The village idiot ? Totally right (watch Rumble Fish).
The Milgram experiment ? Oh baby ! (watch Ghostbusters).
Office reveals himself !!!
I’m recovering from The Crystal Bowl and The Silver Dipper. I see things a little bit clearly.
Of course I overeacted ! I was totally energized with premium stuff.
That was the first time I could feel what a vampire’s body would feel.
Thank God I didn’t jump by the window to Batman myself over the roofs of Paris !
But look : I had it.
If I fool around on a site I want to do it freely. Just remind me the rules and we’re cool.
No need to spend precious time on a site being under watch by some kid who thinks is The Boss.
It’s been some time I have Asmodai trying to ride on my back like Jake Sully on the Ikran. But he didn’t get my real name is JAKE SULLY !
I apologized to him a couple of times when he overeacted to some of my shouts.
I guess the kid thought it was some sort of surrender or whatever. Wrong : it was common sense and politeness.
Because I totally understand I can’t be funny all the time. I even understand I’m not funny at all to some.
After the Minimalist Contest, I read a nice shout from Asmo saying he liked it.
Cool !
A few days later, I received an e-mail saying than Naut and him would like me to work on tee-shirts designs but that they weren’t sure to do it.
So I answered I’ll do it for free through a professional process (written brief, brainstormings, concept, validation THEN graphic execution) against the full guarantee my work will see the light of the day.
I don’t submit work without guarantee (usually it’s money I think but I’m not sure).
Then : silence for 20 days.
So I said to myself they weren’t serious about it and I forgot the whole thing. They’re young after all : they have girls to chase.
And suddenly, out of the blue, when I’m up there between pinky clouds trying to catch back my Crystal Bowl and the Silver Dipper, the guy shows up and bans me ?
The flooding joke was certainly not my best I agree.
But who cares !
The Silver Dipper did it !
You don’t put a player under constant watch and, at the same time, ask him to work free for you without any engagement --- or answers.
On this particular point, I now have a doubt.
Who asked me to make free designs for WTM ? Was it both Asmodai and Naut ?
First of all: what happened exactly (from my point of view).
I noticed that Pala was leaving a lot of (in my eyes) extremely unwanted messages. A bit of spam I don't care about, but shouting stuff like "SOMEONE HAD ENOUGH POWER TO TAKE ME DOWN ! I WANNA KILL THE ASSHOLE !" just goes too far, in my opinion. A bit of spam because you are annoyed that a shot gets a low rating happens, but death-threats are definitely a no-go. Remember, this is the internet, without body-language or personal contacts, where a bit of restrain is a must-have. I also noticed similar messages on several old forum-topics. Because more of these shouts were still coming, I deleted some on the forum and closed the topic to avoid spam there. I contacted kinoute (the only other staff-member online) about what was happening and then shout-banned Pala for just a few days, to give him the chance to cool down. Here I also must say that in a discussion with naut, someday before all this started, we also discussed Pala and we agreed on our opinions that he sometimes crosses the line, and that next time a shout-ban might be appropriate. After this I immediately checked pala's shots for rating, to see if there was indeed suspicious behaviour going on, and there wasn't. When I wanted to shout this information on Pala's profile, which would maybe calm him down a bit, he had already deleted his account.
Right, reactions to your shouts here are now in order. First of all, these shouts of "Die Asmodai, Die !" only show me that I did the right thing. For me, this is not the kind of behaviour we tolerate and want on this website, to avoid it turning into some youtube-place where everybody just exists to insulting each other. If a new member arrives and sees these shouts without somebody stopping it, that person might think it's normal in here and things would turn from bad to worse.
Olympique: Who watches the watchers? In this case, the other watchers (staff members) and the owner of the website. As I explained, I discussed the situation with two others (including one of the owners/creators!) and did not just do something on my own.
theoffice: "The question is : did anybody complain about Palahniuk's shouts? " <-- Yes, I have had several people (I of course won't say who) complaining about some of Palahniuk's shouts and/or sense of humor. These complaints were in private in the chat, so I won't tell from who they were. About the village idiot, in many cases these people got to this position about an underlying psychological problem, which could suddenly turn into full-blown psychosis or worse. I am NOT saying that palahniuk suffers from this, but saying that everybody who acts silly is harmless is not correct, in my eyes (and I also talk from long-time experiences with a friend now).
bazzy: As I explained yesterday in the chat, I never met Palahniuk, so I can't say if I'd like him or not. I can say that I have the greatest respect for his artistic skills, but also that I do not always share his sense of humor. But all of this is besides the point, when I am doing things as a mod, I do never do these things because of a certain person is involved. If anything, some of pala's previous actions and the long time he has spent on this site came into account, because in my eyes he should know better by now.
theoffice: In this case it was not just about the spamming, but more of the language involved in the spam. "Death threats" (also if they are clearly not serious) are just a no-go area. Saying that I can't stand Pala and that I was just looking for an excuse to get rid of him offend me, and is just wrong. You don't know about my feelings towards him, not even ever having had a discussion with me about this, so please don't leave comments on this.
Towards the "It's a joke"-thing, as I said: when posting things on a multicultural forum, where people do not see body language or maybe don't fully understand the background of a person, it is good to show some restraint compared to saying things to your friends in real life. It is just more easy to offend somebody in the digital world, as everybody who has spent some time on the internet knows.
aril: Wise words.
Pala: About the t-shirt email, I indeed did this after a discussion with naut about the subject. He was extremely busy, and asked me if I could contact you about it. Although I was also really low on time, I did email you. After your reaction, I had to wait for naut to get online again to discuss it with him, which took a long time (10+ days or so), after this I just never had the time or energy to send you a reaction. For this I will apologize, as you took the effort to answer my email and it was just rude of me to not react to this, or even to send a message saying that a reaction might take a long time, because of the delay with naut and because typing a long bussiness-like email just takes more time and mental energy than clicking through shots on WTM, especially because I really am busy with my outside life away from the computer.
theoffice: "How many times have people complained about Asmodai being a "petit chef"? How many times has Asmodai showed everyone how much he disliked Palahniuk? Let's not be naive here, Asmodai wanted to get rid of Palahniuk and he did it. That's why we're unhappy today. " : The only complaints that I recall that have reached me, next to this situation, were two. One was from crosbow about being warned to stop delete-voting every nudity shot on the site (interesting that you basically just suggested electroshocks being applied to him). The other was from you, about me replacing shots of you, which is not even a mod thing. If there have been other major complaints, these have not reached me. Your second question, I have never even disliked Palahniuk in person, as I explained before. Again, your assuming I hate somebody and abuse my powers to get rid of somebody offend me. IF! (not saying that, just a hypothetical situation) I was indeed "taking over the site" or whatever, wouldn't I have just banned him on all ranges for a long time ages ago? I ALWAYS treat people objectively when acting as a mod.
About the jew-thing, I also consider this joke failed. Making world war 2 jokes I have no problem with, but saying that they caused their own genocide partly themselves?! Come on. If this is Dutch humor, than I am ashamed of being Dutch.
"Right, I will go and type a big reaction to all this topic now, so please hold any comments until I finish, so I won't miss them and people will get sad and feel that I ignored them ;) "
I did not say you HAD TO do anything, I merely mentioned that I was typing a response, so I wouldn't see any new shouts in the topic, that I could not react to in my reaction. This was only to avoid confusing and people talking past each other.
Just a quickly update: naut & we decided to block the Forum for people who deleted their accounts because its a decision they made and it should include all WTM
The only thing about jews i said in the first post was: "Where two fight, two are to blame (just like the jews and germans or the flemish and the walloons)" This joke actually comes from one of the biggest dutch comedians, hans teeuwen (from his first show, heist), thats why i called it a classical dutch joke (also by naming the country, i generalise, which was kind of the theme of the joke, so it made it self-refering, hence funny). But of course some people dont get that.. (devil's in the details ;) )
This first post was full of little jokes, i start with 'Dommage, le fromage' (from the dutch helaas, (pinda)kaas). I tell palahniuk he's actually practically dead, just because he's a few years older than me. I compare whats happening in belgium with WWII. I make a stupid parody on Roosevelt famous quote about democracy and i even quote jerry springer..
Come on, its ok if you dont think its funny, or if you think its inappropiate or offending. But if you can't see it was just a joke and dont even want to believe me when i tell you, then you're just very narrow minded.
Only after people didnt get it, i posted the second post in which i explain it was just a joke and put some more oil on the fire. Well, you can think of it what you want.
But besides lots of crap i also said some serious things, one of which was the idea to make it only possible to ban someone if at least three moderaters (or creator) agree with it it. Just like five persons are needed to delete a shot. I think this would feel more fair to people and would reduce some frustrations. But nobody reacts on that, how typical..
It might be a Teeuwen joke, don't remember it as such, but I still stick to my opinion that some jokes just shouldn't be made on a multicultured forum. Next to that, I do really appreciate the serious things you said in your post, there were many calm words that make sense in there. However, if you read my post, you will see that in this situation the ban was discussed with two other staffmembers.
La démocratie c'est pas : « 5 minutes pour les juifs et 5 minutes pour les nazis » ; la démocratie c'est : « on vire les nazis, et après on peut discuter ». (J.L.Godard)
Democracy is not "5 minutes for the jews and 5 minutes for the nazis"; democracy is "let's kick nazi's asses and then we can discuss"
"some jokes just shouldn't be made..." Dont forget, this is the RIP Palahniuk part, not just anywhere on the internet. THIS is his funeral. So am I allowed to express myself? Can i remember him in his spirit? Or am i not free to say whatever i want?
@toffetomas: next time you wanna make provocativ jokes search for inspiration in your glorious dutch history; like colonialism, slavery, the fact you are tulip thieves etc. But please don't hide behind out of context quotes from comedians most people here on wtm don't know anyway.
I am done. This thing ruined my whole day. Thank you klootzak (don't be pissed, this is just a joke)!
But pala, forget this crap, just come back.. the 2 day ban is almost over anyway ;) you made your point. And i miss you already.. i was looking forward to your next contest so much.. i want it! I NEED IT!!
@olympiquetango I'd rather talk about butterflies than have a go at other people just because my opinion differs from theirs. @Pala Maybe Disneyland is the place to go for me then. @Asmodai I am not taking sides here, but well spoken, mate.
Oh boy, i really didn't wanted to comment anymore, BUT if you have an opinion you have to defend it. At least in my eyes.
And everyone can talk about anything. How great is this? How great is this to be able to do that? Of course i also know people who don't even watch the news because they don't wanna have anything bad in their fluffly world... Absolutely fine! But my world is not fluffly and i truely believe discussion means progress. Words can change the world. I can be very passionate but usually i am not mad at anyone anymore the next day! I am not afraid of thoughts. I hate cencorship. But i love disussions and i also have no problems to apologize when i have to.
Life is not always peace and happiness. I don't even know one revolution without blood... Honestly yesterday i truely wished i could be someone that only can talk about nice butterflies. Life would be so much easier. But that is simply not me. So no need to try to be someone else. And i will never keep quiet if i think there is something to say. And i respect different opinions! Because at least there is one!!
And now i really really don't wanna add anything anymore.
Nope here you are not supposed to talk olympique. You're here to play the game so fucking play and shut the fuck up !! If you talk and try to have fun, you're either a fun guy (and we don't like funny people here) or a disturbance to the peace. We have a police here that ensures that no one has an opinion. The motto is clear "Follow blindly the rules, shut the fuck up, let our police walk all over you and you'll be fine. Otherwise get the fuck out" So please, we don't need your filthy different opinions, we have one brain for all of us and it's more than enough. If you don't wanna think like us, feel free to leave. No good can come from talking and expressing your opinions. Is there any example in Human History that proves me wrong? NO. Change is always bad.
Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing. Oscar Wilde.
I’ve read what Asmodai wrote. And I see someone intelligent but probably too proud to say things are they are.
A man should always assume his responsabilities. Otherwise he lies to himself. Not to the others.
But that’s now between you and you, my friend. And, believe it or not, I’m not judging you.
Because it’s hard enough to judge oneself.
So here I’m gonna take my full responsabilities.
I understand Asmodai didn’t like the jokes I’ve made on him. His name will never appear in my shouts. His avatar will never pop up in any photoshopped pic. It was provocative and childish.
It’s a game over.
Since I came back, 95% of my shouts were written under snaps of friends or under my own snaps. I can’t be funny all the time and the last spam joke wasn’t written with the most brilliant phrasing I’m capable of.
But I’m always open for discussion.
When someone has a problem with me (as Yippiekayay who didn’t enjoy a recent joke), I instantly apologize, break bread and ask friendship.
Why ?
Because I’m a Disneyland addict !!!
That’s why.
I possess the Year Long VIP Pass. I save 10 to 20% on all merchandising over there. They know me so well, I hear :
“Welcome back home !”, when I cross the gates of the Magic Kingdom two hours before the crowd.
On my office walls, you can spot my pictures taken with Snow White, Aurora and EVEN Ariel looking at me with puzzled eyes, complete with her bra and fish tail ! My favourite is the one where I waltz with Perla inside the Auberge Of Cinderella. I blew up a pic where I do the buddy pose with Mickey and Goofy, thumbs up, right after the Magic Parade and hanged it on top of my bed.
I sometime put my Woody cowboy hat when I’m shouting things some of you cannot tolerate like : “I think it’s Blade”, under a Blade snap posted by LordMyst.
What does it mean ?
A guy laughing his heart out on the Peter Pan attraction cannot be a bad guy. Someone applauding the Small World ride, with tears rolling on his cheeks, is definitely someone who has a pink heart with tons of diamonds inside it !
You cannot ban this child trapped inside the body of a man any women is attracted to !
Watch Big and you’ll understand my daily burden.
So here is what I’m going to do. I’m going to forget about the whole thing.
Mostly because I cannot let Bazzy all alone in this mess. And what will happen to Olympiquetango and Office911 without me ?
There’s a new mission inside the boxes.
Who’s jew going to defend Toffetomas ? Or guys like Oberstklink we’ve lost ?
Or even people like Crossbow who makes me laugh ?
Plus I promised to bring the girls in Disneyland (Aril and Oldzia) and treat them with giant strawberry ice creams and Rapunzel dresses, blond wigs included ! And if Sati wants to join, I'll give her petty cash to buy whatever she wants !
Now the Crystal Bowl belongs to the past, the whole thing looks like an ego conflict to me.
So that’s why I’m also responsible for this.
Asmodai. If you think you did the right thing : well, I let you live with this !
Because there’s a mess in Spain, a volcano in Iceland, a real asshole in Syria, sea level who’s gonna reach one more meter within a century, the breathtaking DSK scandal and POC 4 in a theater next to me.
What do I want ?
Kinoute : I would like my account restored against my word I’ll never delete it again for childish reasons or drug-related behaviour. And please, accept my apologies in advance for making you work again. Don’t tell anyone but I’ll let you win the next contest posting something incredibly sexual under your name.
What do I swear ? As before, I’ll only shout on friend’s snaps (maybe not Winterwolf because his nickname doesn’t sound like Springbird to me :-).
What do I guarantee ? I’ll organize a contest from time to time in the forum but I would like to be free of moderation unless there’s a strong reason for it (like the Marina Pic Affair).
What was the point of this marvellous and exciting Week-End Scandal ?
To make things move. To electrochoc the community. To question the roles of the moderators. To give the opportunity to everyone to talk it out…
And mostly because I’m a diva and I’m making this up as I go.
What a great trailer.
Check it out :
Love ! Hate ! Money ! Butterflies ! Nazis ! Jews ! Accusations ! Conspirations ! Drugs ! Paranoia ! Women !
Even sex ! (But it wasn’t in the forum. You know who you are. And you know how to cool me down. As you see I’m totally relaxed now. You ARE one piece of art. Thank you, baby.)
What a success !
The Palahniuk.
PS : And don’t forget ! I’ll also organize a few Week-End Scandals from time to time…
After months of abstinence and in a complete circumstance of boredom I found my way back to the wtm forum and it is clear that I havn't missed much. Keep things simplistic: This is a website that provides space for people to upload snapshots and let other people solve them. A very interesting and fun thing to do, if you are enthusiastic about movies and like to broaden your horizons. But then you upload something and in many cases get treated like Adolf Hitler applying for the Vienna Academy of Arts. (Please don't be offended; This is an intentionally bad joke) Mods accuse you of posting below DVD quality and frown if it's not some outburst of contemporary artistic genius. Users vote low on your shots out of jealousy or because they don't like the movie. If it's such an insult to your eye, just skip it and do something more productive with your time. This is just a game and people on here should realize that.
I don't know what this t-shirt business is about but it seems that Palahniuk offered up his spare time to do something nice for the community. Instead of having received any kind of appreciation he gets ignored and becomes frustrated, which is understandable.
More than 1 year ago I translated the German "About Us" (http://devatrox.de/what-the-movie/) into english and mailed it to the webmaster. I never received any thanks for my efforts and the translation wasn't posted. Recently a different one was buy another user. And no, the translation was more than acceptable so it wasn't down to poor use of the language. This I find frustrating too. Using up my time to help out and then not receiving even the slightest bit of acknowledgement.
I do not condone Palahniuk's choice of words, threats don't need to be. But an offence is always defined by the way you wish to perceive it. If Asmodai bans you instead of being grown up about it and say: "Look, things got a bit out of hand here. Let's start afresh", like a good Mod should do then this says a lot about the skillset.
Anyway, I was thinking about becoming a bit more active again, having hoped that things on here improved by now. But recent events showed me that this was an ill-placed anticipation.