I was wondering whether it would be possible to move the reviews-section further up to the top of the main page. A lot of people put quite a bit of effort into writing some decent and inspiring reviews which don't get noticed, mostly due to their unfortunate placement at the bottom of the page. Also, only the last 3 reviews are on display. I think there should be 10, so people have a chance to see their efforts read and rated for an appropriate amount of time.
I hope that this could be rectified with the next update!
I agree and disagree for personal reasons. The person who notoriously gives UN to my reviews is lazy enough to just click the links on home page, so if there were 10 reviews I'd get 10 UN instead of 3 :) But since I don't really give a flying f....thanks to all of you kind souls actually reading my reviews, it's a great suggestion, because I read all the reviews here and often they encourage me to watch movies I never even heard about (Like LovelyT reviews). So I fully support your idea!
I quite enjoy writing them but started finding the process pointless, since hardly anyone reads them; leading me to find myself disinterested with it. At least someone shares my view! :)
where should we move them? the white spot beneath your current shots in FF and NS? next to Tales of Interest? That’s the only "free" space we have :)