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    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2011 edited
    From magazine No. 792 - 02 to 08 february 2011 :

    And the consequence :

    Nice publicity for french movies addicts !

    P.S. Sorry if you can't see the image, I'm at work, and I don't know how to post it easily...
    • CommentAuthorAdriel
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2011 edited
    Pretty cool I'd say... :)

    (both links work just fine now)
    • CommentAuthorChrisy
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2011
    nice :)
    • CommentTimeMar 2nd 2011
    that's awesome.
    french people know what's good. ;)
  1.  permalink
    Attention, risque d'addiction!
    Hahha awesome!
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011 edited
    Another article about WTM on the website "" :
    • CommentAuthorAntituur
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011
    What we learn from these two 'articles' is that there is one user who solved no less than 1407 stills and another who even solved 1745. Isn't that just simply unbelievable?! ;-)
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011 edited
    And then, in the "" forum, on the discussion thread about WTM, we learn that Infernalquack is an old WTM player, that he is part of a team of players and that with his team, they solved more than 36000 shots...

    Do the rules of WTM allow such teamplaying ? If this statement is true, I think it's not very fair to other players, especially if the "team" is part of the top solvers and actively participate in contests...
    • CommentTimeMar 9th 2011
    Lets find the french players having solved more than 36000 shots.
    Gasp. I'm one of them :)
    I swear I am alone !
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeMar 10th 2011
    0: There is no rule for people all playing together on the same account, it is still a long wish to add something like a group-function, where multiple accounts can combine (But not see each others solves), into one 'group', maybe with a seperate ranking system. Unfortunately, this hasn't happened yet, and until then we can't avoid groups playing. (This only means a group of people playing on the same account! We can't have groups of people all giving each other 10 on their shots, sharing answers etc).