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  1.  permalink
    Oh !!!

    Look what I've found while researching your "inspirations" :

    I need a White Russian.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    @Palah: I'm absolute aware of that!
  2.  permalink
    We also have the cards to play !!! Look :

  3.  permalink
    But LaGross ?
    Do we have a --- thing going on ?
  4.  permalink
    I'm gonna buy "Naked Party Beach" and "Bunny's Poolhouse".

  5.  permalink
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    Palah, you're the one who as files of every girl here... I just wanna have fun too
  6.  permalink
    I'm the luckiest man in the world !

    I have a Big Lebowski Monopoly to play with LaGross AND Sarah Connor !!!

    And they say Internet is not for real...
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    We are lucky that you are the eye in the sky and watching all over and play with us Lebowski Monopoly
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    The Unicorns went away
  7.  permalink
    (They definitely gonna arrest me...)
    Sarah ! I have the feeling you're not 32.
  8.  permalink
    Girls ?

    If you're less than --- say 21 --- YOU DO NOT WANT TO MESS WITH A GUY LIKE ME !
    You don't want to see the dark face of the moon.

    See the Marina Pic Scandal.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    Chill out
    I have an ID:))
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    Lucky me. I have no reason to lie about my age... I enjoy life.
  9.  permalink
    oh jesus fucking christ. i HATE unicorns. i LOVE high heels and nylons. I LOVE my gitanes, I LOVE my augustiner beer. If you wanna do, what adults do, join my party. If you wanna have kindergarden fun, then you know where to go...

    i haven´t slept much, so i am allowed to be a pain in the ass now.

    meanwhile smile

    i am out!
  10.  permalink

    We can do a strip Monopoly session then.
  11.  permalink
    'Cause strip poker is boring.
    With my newest found Big Lebowsky Monopoly : it can go --- WILD !!!
  12.  permalink
    Let's clear the air - I'm 19 ;) But if no one loves my unicorns I'm taking them back
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    @olympiquetango: I worked from Sunday 2pm to Monday 8:30am on my project, slept 2 hours, head for a meeting in Linz and return at 5pm and start working on my new masterpieces... Either I'm to tired to be a pain n the ass or I'm just happy with my unicorn(s) here... maybe both.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    Palah, you actually red my mind...
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
  13.  permalink
    @LaGross: worked on sunday 10pm- monday 6am, had two hearings at court because i also work there, straight after that till 12:30. "slept" like two hours, had a meeting with a member of parliament at 16:30, came home still no sleep and in 30 mins i am off to work again. and i still hate unicorns.
  14.  permalink
    Sarah !!!

    I'm totally unicorn.
    I can unicorn myself back and forth.

    Especially if you're 19.
    So keep these unicorns where it belongs : here.

    Safe and secure.
  15.  permalink
    Olympic : don't go all over Sweet LaGross only because you didn't have satisfying sex this week end.

    And don't say I'm wrong.
    This is something I can "assess" from where I stand.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    And where the hell is :

    - Michael Angelo ?
    I didn't see him this week-end !
    Did he skip his sunday WITHOUT a drink ?

    - Toffetomas ?
    I was waiting his genius work.
    It's now 6 days he disappeared.
    Do we have to keep our seatbelts fasten ?
    Can we smoke ? May I have a glass of Champagne ?

    Marina ?
    Is she furious ?
    Does she still love me ?
    And what about Thaizy ?

    Aril ?
    Where is she ?
    In her cabinet ?

    Anyway !
    You can only play 6 people at a Monopoly !
  16.  permalink
    @Pala: hahahhaha, i better not start telling, i don´t want you to explode of jealousy. :*
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    @olympiquetango: that was no offence, sry if you have taken it. Well my mind works a little bit slow/weird when I'm tired, but you know I suppose. Acutally I just wanted to say, that being happy just helps you through a sleepless day. Being a pain in the ass is much more exhausting (in my opinion/experience)
  17.  permalink
    SARAH !!!!!!!!

    I WANT MY UNICORNS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Please ?
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    In France, we call this : "crêpage de chignon".
    Which means : CAT FIGHT !

    I don't want you cat fighting around here, girls.
    I wanna see minimalist posters, with some sexual implications in it, if possible.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    no more unicorns :(
  18.  permalink
    We'll have the unicorns back, believe me.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    We should start a petition to get them back! The "We love unicorns" petition.
  19.  permalink
    21 hours ago, Stuken tried to trick me.

    This is what he wrote : "I kind of get a faible for black, white, red ^^
    further i think it would be funny to guess some posters, but maybe the most would be just too difficult :)"

    I said to myself : "Why did he take the time to write ALL THIS ?"


    I'm telling you : I can spot a scam EVEN after a hangover.
    So dear Stuken, please, enter this room :

    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited

    I'm gonna start a petition only for you and myself : the "I Love LaGross".


    Much Better : "J'aime LaGross".
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    Palah, you're the only unicorn I need. As long as you stay around everything is touched by your magnificence.
  20.  permalink
    Would you send me your nude pics as Marina and the others did ?
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    As you know I'm in a dormitory, which means lousy equipment, poor furniture... If I send you a nude pic that should be an artwork! But I think that you're the only one who can make such artwork...
  21.  permalink
    Well baby, we definitely have a thing going on.
    Like Sarah expressed it a few hours ago :

    But I'm in for the nude artwork.
    Let me see.
  22.  permalink
    This one is for Bazzy :

    A White Russian is a sweet cocktail made with vodka, coffee liqueurs and cream served with ice in an Old Fashioned glass
    He needs one. 'Cause I didn't see him for at least 24 hours.
  23.  permalink
    I don't know, maybe the unicorns should stay in the old dusty notebook, even the baby unicorn
    But here's King Kong instead:
  24.  permalink
    I want those unicorns back !
    Makes me horny.
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    @Palah: Grab a Camera, chocolate, some strawberries, locate Hagenberg and we can make a hell of an artwork!
    @sarah: bring the unicorns back to life!
    • CommentAuthorstuken
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    lol pala i didn't know that there was a alike spiderman poster :D i must admit i first did the resident evil one and then the spiderman one... so i couldn't know it even if i would have done a research ^^

    edit: the overlay looks awesome :D there should be a movie called spiderman evil XD
  25.  permalink
    Sarah !!!

    If I show you this :

    And this :

    What would you say ?
    You'd say : "I stormed in this contest without even checked what has been done before, expecially by you, master."

    This is what you'd say.
  26.  permalink

    I know you guys don't XEROX.
    But I know you don't RESEARCH !!!
  27.  permalink
    LaGross !

    Where's your dormitory ?

    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    Nex to the University...
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011 edited
    Thaizy !

    Don't tell me you plan to kidnap your own grandmother...
    • CommentAuthorthaizy
    • CommentTimeApr 11th 2011
    no, but i'm plan to win this hahaha