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  1.  permalink
    I have tried to post numerous snapshots, but the keep getting deleted because the have black bars.

    These snapshots are taken just as the site says, from the original DVD's and using VCL Media Player, so why is it such a big deal about black bars. It's not my fault the way the film was shot.

    Please help.
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2011
  2.  permalink
    I've tried that, but I only see black bars on WTM. When I tried to PhotoFiltre it, There was nothing to crop.

    Here's my Snapshot: Please help!
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2011

    This is your actual shot, the thing you uploaded. As you see, there are still some black bars surrounding it, which have to be cropped off.
  3.  permalink
    what is the easiest way to do this?
  4.  permalink
    also got a problem with this one
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2011
    this shot is ok, but follow instructions on my link for your future shots and you will be fine
  5.  permalink
    cheers, Ill try it out once these ones get deleted.
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2011
    maybe you could change the link on the upload site so that it links to this newer tutorial which is more detailed:
    with that old tutorial i had similar problems when i first started uploading.
  6.  permalink
    thank you that was a bit help. i know what to do now!:D
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2011
    @Chili: thanks i'll change the link on the FAQ next time i deploy new features/fixes
  7.  permalink
    I just wanted top say a big thank you to both of you. I was really starting to worry, thinking I's never get a decent snapshot on WTM.