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    • CommentAuthorJimMH
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2011 edited
    Hey all!

    This is something I've been asking myself about for quite some time now. When a snapshot is in the New Submissions, is there some kind of weight given to votes from particular people? Because I've seen some weird things going on. For example, my new shot has a rating of 9.25 now after just 2 votes. Now, with a little bit of math, you would know that such a thing is not possible and I have seen it before.

    It may be a bug in the ratings system but I was just wondering if anybody knew what it was. :)

    Have a nice day!
    - Jim
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2011
    Hi JimMH
    If you solve the shot, your rating is multiplied by 3.
    In your case for example, 1 solver voting 10 and 1 non solver voting 7 leads to 9.25 in average (or 1 solver voting 9 and 1 non solver voting 10 and I think these are all the possibilities for 2 votes).
    • CommentAuthorJimMH
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2011
    Yes, it had a 7 first indeed. Thanks, that explains what I wasn't seeing. :)