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    • CommentAuthorblister
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2011
    Which tag is preferred for black and white shots -- b&w or b/w? Should either tag be deleted and replaced with the other?

    What is the community's stand on "not that one" tags and specific mentions like "not TRON"? Aren't they partial spoilers? In some cases, like #157126, it might not be as obvious to the guesser as it was to the tagger.
    • CommentAuthorElinka
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2011
    I prefer to use "b&w" - simply because there are more snaps tagged that way.

    the "not that one" is an awesome tag (IMO). If you see a familiar scene, you usually type the movie's name, getting a wrong answer might result a confusion..
    • CommentAuthorkinoute
    • CommentTimeSep 9th 2011
    there are 8 103 shots tagged with "b/w" and only 569 with "b&w" (i checked directly in the db) so better use the first one.

    you can see the big difference here (b/w) and here (b&w)
    • CommentAuthorAsmodai
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2011
    I use both black & white and b/w. None should be deleted, imo, but adding the 'missing' one is always a good thing (if the shot is indeed in black and white :P).

    "Not..." tags can be funny (a shot of batman -> not spiderman was the one that caused it), but should imo only be used for the really obvious ones. NOT for trick-shots where you think it's one, and it turns out not to be it.
    • CommentTimeSep 10th 2011
    I really don't think shots should be tagged "black and white" or "black & white" but b/w or b&w. That's because if you search for a shot which was actually white ore whitish you'll never find it by tag search, because of the vast amount of shots popping up tagged with "black and white".
    As long as we don't have logic operators in tag search to exclude e.g. black when searching for white I prefer to use b/w or b&w which isn't incorporated in other expressions you may want to search for.

    I also find the not-tags quite funny. I'm with Asmodai on this one.
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