i have i huge problem, every upload i made 'til now has been rejected. is there a way to upload a snapshot for real or is it just a fake? like you see, the problem i have is not, that a snapshot gets rejected, the problem is, that none gets accepted. the funniest thing about that is, that you get a message, that your upload has been rejected and that´s it. now to the point (yeah i know), this behaviour makes sure, that i´m no longer trying to upload a snapshot, even though this page lives from that. maybe you should make changes on that and not on the interface (who needs to navigate by arrow keys and loses for that the ability to go backwards in typed texts)!
so, until nothing changes, i guess you will only get uploads for vault events, but i guess this is not the intention of this page.
yeah i read this link and it was not clearer after that. "That being said, sometimes images just dont make it." maybe you should rewrite this to "sometimes images just make it" ;-D
your comment about only 6 shots not accepted might be nice meant, but there is this one thingthat results from it: imagine you use a web page, that you like really much, and you want to participate on it. how many tries you give it (with something like NO as the final result), before you say f**k it, than they don´t want me participate on it?
Hi there. I took a look at your snapshots. Now please don't hate me, I'm just trying to help you out here ;) Also, I would like to add, I'm just talking about my personal experiences here on this site and my personal taste. Now we know everyone has a different taste so please keep in mind again, just my opinion, nothing more and just the will to help you with a little advise ;) I believe your shots didn't make it because they're just... simply put... (I'm sorry to say it that way) not interesting enough. When you make a snapshot, try to make it from a key scene or something that just looks spectacular to you. Something that kind of gets you visually. If it is a movie, that has not many effects, like a drama, try to choose an important scene or something that "shows" the mood of the situation or the character. Look at it that way... all the others see is this one single snapshot. So you have to make us "see" or "feel" as much as possible with this one shot. And don't forget... not everyone knows every movie so it is even more important to take a shot that also kind of "speaks" visually to all those, that don't know the movie.
I hope this helped you a little and just don't give up so fast. It takes a little while to get the hang of it ;) And even then you don't have the guarantee that your shot will be accepted, because like I said in the beginning, everyone has a different taste so what you like others might not like at all. ;)
I too understand your problem, but you just have to keep trying. I have over 500 rejected shots, and about 300 that has been approved, so I'm not to "good" as choosing interesting shots myself, but if you try enough times some of them will get through ;-)
@Vurt maybe you can try another movie :) I've posted many shots from this movie and only one made it. It is not very popular on WTM. Reservoir dogs is more popular, but most of the stunning shots are already there. Try and try again.