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    • CommentAuthorFux
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2008
    Movie 8960:
    It seems the "real" title uses a "&" but the answer is just recognized with a "and"

    I´m not sure if someone already recommended it:
    A Highscore for First-solvers?
    • CommentAuthorjoma
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2008
    concerning 2: has been suggested but it wont happen because it has nothing to do with skills, only with luck and being online the most...
    • CommentTimeDec 18th 2008
    exactly joma.
    and 1: fixed!
  1.  permalink
    3. Per still a list of solvers (first 100 or so)
    with more difficult stills 100 doesn't have anything to do with luck.

    i'm curious to know for some more interesting stills who also found them.