It's what everyone who solved 50% of the shots in the last contest gets, as well as anyone who added a snapshot. It's a joke, by drawing a scene from a film you're "stealing intellectual property."
"One last thing: This time around, we passed on the regular Memorbilia (simply because there was too much fuzz, sharing clues, people getting angry, etc) and we decided to give everyone who contributed a Snapshot or solved at least 50% a unique Award.
We've learned from this incident and will clarify the Rules for the next Vault quest, hoping things will get back to normal and everyone can enjoy sidequesting again :)"
Might not be the correct tread to post this in, but. I see that there are some new memorabilia`s around. The "Damaged infringement notice"-memorabilia.
I get that it is a memorabilia similar to the Copyright one and I have read the description, but I did not get any wiser :-)
So if anyone could educate me, I would be a happy man :-)