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  1.  permalink
    I've just "won" this memorabilia but can't say I really like it. What does that mean?
  2.  permalink
    It's what everyone who solved 50% of the shots in the last contest gets, as well as anyone who added a snapshot. It's a joke, by drawing a scene from a film you're "stealing intellectual property."


    "One last thing: This time around, we passed on the regular Memorbilia (simply because there was too much fuzz, sharing clues, people getting angry, etc) and we decided to give everyone who contributed a Snapshot or solved at least 50% a unique Award.

    We've learned from this incident and will clarify the Rules for the next Vault quest, hoping things will get back to normal and everyone can enjoy sidequesting again :)"
  3.  permalink
    Ohhhh ok that's pretty cool then !! Thanks OhLookBirdies ^_^
    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2011
    Might not be the correct tread to post this in, but. I see that there are some new memorabilia`s around. The "Damaged infringement notice"-memorabilia.

    I get that it is a memorabilia similar to the Copyright one and I have read the description, but I did not get any wiser :-)

    So if anyone could educate me, I would be a happy man :-)
    • CommentAuthorquitproquo
    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2011
    off- topic: never dared to ask but someone we all now deservesa penis memorabilia ;)
    • CommentAuthordoooom
    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2011 edited
    The "Damaged infringement notice" is basically the same as the "Copyright Infringement Notice", just that the damaged one was for the second installment of Draw the movie.
    • CommentTimeJun 11th 2011
    Thanks Doooom :-)