I replaced to more shots from Renaissance. Since xrcc4 is still active I asked him in advance and he answered me that it was ok with him to replace these two shots. #30246 ( http://whatthemovie.com/shot/30246 ) old version:
Well I'm sorry if it shouldn't have been done, even though I think it should. I beleive it goes through an additional check by the staff, so lets wait and see what they think.
When I checked the original shot up close (the shot itself, without WTM-frame), I could see some artefacts, so I'll leave the replace. But please, Aralis, take a good look at the original image before deciding.
I don't know if this is the right place te mention it, but it ocurred to me that the following shots in Feature Films are of very bad quality (unfortunately because it are great shots)
I agree, there's nothing wrong with this shot. It's obvioulsy from DVD, it's not distorted nor cropped, the JPG file is not over-compressed... It's far from being "of very bad quality". Wide shots always *seem* to be lower quality than close ups, on DVD. Because small details appear so tiny that they reach standard definition limits. Of course, a Blu-ray shot would look better. But we already established that updates are NOT for updating perfectly OK DVD shots to Blu-ray shots.
By the way, there is nothing wrong with that shot either :
It's a low budget film, shot on 16mm, and the gritty, dirty look is intended.
If the dvd exists in this ratio then it isn't against the rule. If we start doing this, then there are much more movies with this situation... So I'd say no, it shouldn't be replaced
I hate them too but I just dont think they are against any rules. If we do it for one, then we have to do for all and I dont know if it is very nice for the uplaoders. If the shot is from dvd, I dont think it should replaced